Our Story

Ueki Energy Wellness is run by husband and wife team, Chris and Alicia. They currently live in Oklahoma with their 2 kids, dog and chickens. After opening in 2022, they have made it their mission to help as many people as they can through energy work and relaxation, live sustainably and give back to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, learning and growing everyday.

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

Alicia is currently a Reiki II Holy Fire® III Practitioner. From a young age, she has been drawn to the metaphysical side of life, always knowing that there was so much more out there than she knew. It took a move from Texas to Colorado for her to finally dive into it. She had her first Reiki session while she was pregnant with her youngest and saw that not only was the practitioner able to help her with her back pain, but also that the practitioner was able to help her start working through some childhood traumas. After giving birth, she had to switch to my current practitioner (yes, we have healers, too!) and received a womb healing. After that, she was pretty much hooked. She had no idea that she was carrying so much anxiety and trauma from her previous pregnancy and has been able to heal from that. With this knowledge, she made it her mission to learn as much as she could about energy healing, womb healing, and helping others with a uterus to overcome the traumas that have been held onto by the womb and Sacral chakra. She is on the path of becoming a Reiki Master, womb healer, master herbalist, yoni doula, and whatever else comes her way to help and empower everyone she can.

Chris is currently a Reiki Master Holy Fire® III Practitioner. He knew from an early age that he had some really special gifts. It wasn’t until he met Alicia that he was really supported to pursue those gifts. And it honestly took a lot of persuading! He had a lot of obstacles to overcome, something that he is still actively working on everyday. After wanting to finally try something like therapy, Alicia had talked him into going to see her first Reiki practitioner. He was hesitant and a bit of a skeptic at first, but as you can see, he was brought over to the “light” side (a bit of a Star Wars reference. He’s a big fan!). He then started seeing her other Reiki practitioner. After finally pulling him out of his shell, he began to see what amazingly beautiful gifts he has. His mission is to use those gifts to help others realize theirs and help them on their journey’s as he has been so wonderfully helped.